Saturday, May 16, 2015

Week 10 - Inspiration

"Bridge Studio / Saunders Architecture" 25 Apr 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 16 May 2015. <>

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 8 - EXP2 "The Marker" Final Submission

Week 5 - Concepts & Axonos
Week 6 - Electroliquid Aggregation
Week 7 - Custom Textures

Sketchup Model (Without Site) & Lumion Environment (with Site)

We shall not create architecture; the existence of architecture creates itself.
The Marker deals with the theme of the contradictory and balance between nature(sustainability) & technology. The mesh form becomes a living entity when it is blended into the green. From then only the immortal concrete monument lasts with the mortal nature. 

1. Electroliquid Aggregation

2. Textures Used

3. Site & Form 
Site Choice: The Water Tank
Site with Sun Path
Concrete Form (Interior) : immortality/mortality of non-life
 with the Timer Mesh Shell : mortality/immortality of life
Section 1
Section 2

4. Five Images

View from M7
Texture Medium (on Staircase)
Texture Dark (A semi-closed space inside the concrete pillar)
 Texture Light (the terrace with a bench, where the best sunset could be enjoyed)
6. Additional Images